Divine Masculine Empowerment:
Self-Tying and Guided Meditation for Men
Surrender into peace and sensuality...
Learn ties for calming the nervous system and being present in your body...reprogram your self-love practice through guided sensual meditations...relax your body and stimulate your mind...
Materials needed: 2-3 24' lengths of 6-8mm rope (jute, hemp, nylon...) which may be purchased online (my go-to is My Nawashi on Etsy) or Home Depot, safety shears, water bottle and an open mind
Email me for more information: ropegoddess@bound4love.com

Coaching for Brothers
$100 / 1 hour $175 / 2 hours
Build a relationship with yourself. One where you don't need to fix anything, you can be present in the moment, honor your intuition, learn to love your dark places. I will help you bring out not only your inner Warrior, but also your inner Lover, Learn to compassion yourself so you can step into a more confident and complete you.
Awakening Shiva
Contact me for rates
In this session you will receive one-on-one hands-on guidance in honoring your sensuality and sexuality. You will be led through guided meditation, energetic and tactile exploration to connect with your inner being as well as learn to connect with a partner. You will learn about your anatomy, ejaculatory control, honoring of the mind/body connection, pressure point release, using your sexual energy for creation (sex magic), and practices to love yourself with every day.
Shiva Immersion
Daily rates plus travel and expenses
This is a program created especially for your unique being. A 2-10 day residential holistic treatment, in the location of your choice, for reclamation of your Inner Sensual Being. Includes hands-on sessions, meditations, physical as well as nutritional guidance, support and exploration.