Sisterhood Puja
Connect with your Sisters through a sacred circle of guided meditation stations...each one calling us deeper inside to help bring forth the gift of our authentic Divine Self.
Coaching for Sisters
$100 / 1 hour $175 / 2 hours Packages avilable-email for details
Build a relationship with your Inner Beloved through breathwork, guided meditation and self love practices. Learn how White Tanta Yoga not only helps find focus and deepens relationship with Spirit, but is also the key to unleashing your Bliss. Receive support in making friends with your voice and learning to honor your "yes"s as well as your "no"s.
Awakening the Goddess
Contact me for rates
In this goddess-to-goddess session you will receive one-on-one hands-on guidance in honoring your sensuality and sexuality. You will be led through guided meditation as well as energetic and tactile exploration to connect with your Inner Lover so you may share her with a partner. You will learn about female anatomy, honoring of the mind/body connection, pressure point release, sexual energy (Shakti), and practices to love yourself every day.
Goddess Immersion
*Daily rates plus travel expenses
This is a program created especially for your unique being. A 2-10 day residential holistic treatment, in the location of your choice, for the reclamation of your Inner Goddess. Includes 1-2 sessions per day, spiritual, emotional, physical and nutritional guidance, support and exploration.